I-35 Buildings



  1. The Laredo Times, “Fond memories outlast even concrete and stone”, February 19, 1978
  2. The Laredo Times, “Bygone days in old Laredo”
  3. The Laredo Times, “Old Hirsch Family home falls to wrecker’s axe”, by Bill Bouldin, 7 March 1979
  4. 184 year old home victim of progress, by Jennie Lynd Reed
  5. The Laredo News, “Death Sentence for Casa Zaragoza”, August 10, 1977
  6. Saludos!, “City Passes Historical Ordinance”, April 4, 1974
  7. Laredo Citizen, Zaffirini Residence on Hidalgo St. Most Unique
  8. Email to Margarita Araiza regarding Plaza de la Noria Site, July 09, 2015
  9. “Meridian Highway: The Main Street of North America” illustration of I-35


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