Churches, Texas


  1. Historic Preservation News, “Affirming Our Collective in Safeguarding Sacred Places”, February/March 1995
  2. Sacred Heart Church, “History of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Abilene, Texas by Rev. Mark Woodruff, Pastor
  3. The Diocese of Corpus Christi, “The Catholic Church in South Texas Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”
  4. Corpus Christi Diocese Bicentennial Flyer, April 1976


  1. Historic Preservation News, “Affirming Our Collective in Safeguarding Sacred Places”, February/March 1995
  2. Sacred Heart Church, “History of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Abilene, Texas by Rev. Mark Woodruff, Pastor
  3. The Diocese of Corpus Christi, “The Catholic Church in South Texas Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”
  4. Corpus Christi Diocese Bicentennial Flyer, April 1976
  5. Texas Catholic Historian Newsletter of the Texas Catholic Historical Society Spring 2000, Articles include:
    1. New Officers Take Over At Annual Meeting
    2. Tomfra Announces Book Award
    3. TCHS’er Felix Almaraz Jr. Wins Book Awards
    4. An Intimate Portrait: Carlos and Felix (and our Catholic Heritage in Texas)
    5. Texas Catholic Historical Society Annual Meeting Minutes March 3 2000
    6. List of Offices and Board Members
    7. International Conference of Archivists of Religious Collections in Sevilla
    8. History of the Catholic Church of Nacogdoches, Texas
    9. The Golden Era
    10. The Manuscript Society Visits Catholic Archives of Texas
    11. Conferences
    12. Colonial Database Goes Online
    13. Catholic Encyclopedia On Line
    14. Bishop Grahmann’s Career in Dallas Catholic
  6. Diocese of Corpus Christi Texas, “Historical Sketches” by Rev. Fr. Charles McNaboe, 1981


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